May 26, 2004 00:08
I've finished Lestat! ::shaking with excitement!:: AKASHA!!!!!!!
The ending. Holy fuck. It just ends. I MUST get the next book! I must! ::bites fist::
I MUST READ THE NEXT BOOK!!! Oh man. Remember how excited i was with the ending of the 1st book? ...this is far greater. you have no idea.
READ THE BOOKS! THEY'RE INCREDIBLE! but um, you have to be into detail and flashbacks and long dialog. Otherwise you'll just be lost and bored as fuck b/c of it. And pay attention to little things! they mean shitloads when the book ends! if you're good enuff at this sort of thing u'll have pieced together the rest in advance :;cheeze:: oh man. it was so worth it...
Wait. What the fudge happened to Enkil and Armand?! ::jumps up:: I WILL NOT REST SOUNDLY UNTIL I KNOW!
one more thing:
Whats with all the "promotional" posts? I'M NOT INTERESTED! KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF!