Hilarious. HILARIOUS i tell ya

May 14, 2004 00:50

Arite so pverview of the day b4 my rant:
-Hobbes (he was soooo tired =o( FUCKIN MEXICANS!!!!!)
-My test (bombed the access part. big fuckin shocker there)
-Dropped him off; had the Used on on the way to his place. cried in the car. had the same fuckin song on. didnt wanna cry. just wanted to scream and i needed a hug but eh. i like not saying shit.
-Went home
-Started dinner
-AMPLITUDE (i need to practice that ish. that shit's crazy)
Hobbes called about goin to hang out. invited lauren as well. i spent THIRTY MINUTES AND BURNT MY FOOD TRYING TO GET HER TO COME OUT WITH US. BUT NO. wtvr. i tried. So she just left. I mean, yeah she doesnt like hobbes. But he's a close friend of mine, too. and she's a close girl friend of mine. Like, even tho we're not goin out plp still invite her. At least the dude's being nice. He's got no problem with her. I dont see why she can't jsut try for me. I wanted her to come. We were sposta go to get belgian waffles (i just want them so badly!) but i said no cuz my mom wasnt home n about the ticket. i hadnt spoken to either of my 'rent about it so i was a bit worried about askin rite away (which is a JOKE. but i'll save that for the end). But eh, carnival sounded like fun. I wanted her to come. She started crying and got all "i dont want to i want u to just go without me cuz u'll be with HIM and you'll have fun without me. i'm not a big part of ur life anymore. so just go. its okay." Um, no? Then she said sumn about catie being her only friend or sumn like that. okay, what happened to u being miss popular and me being the loser? only one rfiend? wtf am i? i'm asking u to come out with me and my friends (well, his friends. but i went to school w/ jane and love her to pieces. i heart john to death n started talkin to him b4 i spoke to hobbes...so yeh he's my friend, too =oP and i've been talkin to vinny a lot lately. urm, tiff? just....its tiff. i kno nothing about her other than she's got vin by the balls...). Just, i dont know. i wanted her to come. But eh. I left. Met up with them at the mall cuz they left the carnival. So i didnt go to that ::slouch:: no worries tho. cuz hobbes got me a teddeh burr!!! ::huggles it:: "Its ugly...but it loves u." lol aww. I think its adorable. ::nuzzles deh burr:: even tho its eyes are crooked ::giggle:: i was tempted to stink that ish up with hobbes' scent n whatnot but i didnt wanna go home and have my mom ask why i smell like man. >_< yeh so when i saw Jane i attacked her. didnt intend to. but i'm like that when i dont see ppl. i'm clingy and mushy and jsut bleh ppl get scared. John was like who the fuck?? i havnt seen him in forever! MONKEH!!!! well tiff *&* vinny left. the four of us just walked a bit. i ran into the petstore..but um, it was closing. so i got kicked out ::halo tilts ever-so slightly:: and i saw Shaq and his his pplz while we were on the escalator ::hides:: ugh i HATE that they're EVERYWHERE. i'm jsut waiting til i go to their house. i'm gonna be bombarded with Q's about "that boy you were laughing with." i'm jsut gonna tell them he's my pimp and i'm his bitch. maybe they'll jsut shut up and leave me be after that. ::shakes head:: nosey muthafuckas. We went to hobbes' and decided to get a movie. on the way there john stoled a traffic cone and walked around with it. damn that boy's loud! shit! but i think we were gettin on hobbes' nerves cuz we were both being obnoxious and shit. but eh. he'd hate being around me and the movie pplz cuz thats ALL we do. and out of all them i'm the loudest. so =oX to that lol back at his house his 'rents were back and pplz were apparently crashin at his place outta no where :;shrug:: so no Sandlot ::hangs head:: um, not to sound like a prick but i wasnt likin how john was ignoring Jane. She jsut got home. Poor thing was tired. If she was my girl i would have been snugglin with her and being all "are u sure u dont want to leave" rather than fuckin with a game and leavin her on the floor jsut chyllin there. but hey. thats just me and how i treat pplz i care about. i cant settle for the "no i'm fine, really" shit. i'll keep my mouth shut eventualy but just....no. i dont leave shit like that alone and just go about my business w/o asking again first. all women say yes just to make ther men happy. if she was that tired and she kept sayin she was tired....but saiid no let stay or sumn i would have brought her home. Meh. Wtvr. ::huggles Jane:: He's a dude. Some of them tend to be mad thickheaded with shit like that. Then he did the STUPIDEST shit oh man. He calls up fuckin adrianne after him n hobbes were talkin about sht n hobbes was obviously gettin ticked. ::sits on hands so not to hit him:: like...what the shit, dude? Yeah i know that when two rfiends are in a fight u dont change anything about how u treat the other, but u dont call that person up, put them on speaker and be like 'oh well its cool' n shit. at least respect the fact that ur friend has issues with the other and u lay off on bringing shit up. :;shrug:: again. thats just how i am. so maybe i'm wrong. i'll jsut shoosh now.

::hangs head:: my voice mail got erased. that was my mood candy, y0. now wtf m i gonna use. ::sporatic sigh:: i wanted to cry so badly oh man. i was like WHERE THE FUDGE!! N Y IS MY MOM FILLIN UP MY VOICEMAIL?!?!?! ::saved message apparently booted out by mom:: ::pout::

said bye'z to hobbles cuz i was late gettin home n he had to get to bed anyways. ::holds face:: cheew up? pwease? I drove jane n john to jane's. went home. mom wasnt pissed so score. she told me to go tell dad about my ticket =oX so i went there. he got really mad. yelled at me. if i get another ticket the car goes bye bye. so no more joy rides n speeding n shit for a while ::shakes head:: i dont want that van back. but anyway. he has friends in the police dept and they came over. (this is where it gets amusing.) They were lookin at the slip while i was explaining where the dude was and what he did and what i was trying to do and all that when Daddio goes, "Where did u get this ticket again??" [richmond/victory intersection] well...this ticket is a piece of shit. its not filled out properly. he didnt write down where it was given. so according to u, u were in brooklyn all day. ...what did the guy look like? was he in uniform? [he was wearin that vest jammie] ::laughs to self:: he's a fuckin' Brownie. He's not even a real cop he shouldnt have pulled u over for this. I know i definitly wouldnt have." Billy: "You should have just drove off and not even pulled over. its not like he had a car to go chasing you..." These are two cops tellin me that the ticket was shit and that i shouldnt have even pulled over for the guy. like...UR COPS! WTF!! hahaha! so yeah. i thought that was histerical. He just fills out tickets cuz he's got nothin better to do. they're not even valid reasons. no cop would have pulled me over - according to Daddio. its not serious enuff. they were even making fun of the Brownie-ness n stuff. so HAAAAAA wedgyboy aint SHIT!! HAHAH! hobbes is gonna make a song for him =oP cuz we abuse that poor man and his fat wedgified ass all the time.

I just have to go to the DMV on monday. Daddio said they judge will jsut toss it cuz its not valid. The place where i got it isnt on there so it has to be dismissed. so good times!!!! but i still get my car taken away if i get another one ::shiver:: i'm scared now. bad bad luck lately. god forbid i get into an accident with sum1 in the car. so one i'm in an accident. two i'm not where i'm sposta be. and three i have sum1 in the car when i'm not supposed to be drivin anyone around. thats my head on a plate with garnish rite there. so i'm a bit worried. but eh, if i scare myself i'll drive bad. i tend to fuck up more when i actualy pay attention to shit. it sounds fucked up i know. but when i actualy TRY to do something rather than jsut letting it happen or just doing it however instead of perfecting it i fuck up more cuz of the pressure of actualy doing it right...if u get what i'm saying. it makes sense to me. thats y i do a shit job on tests i worry about and i do better on ones i just take as they come. if i dont know the shit imma fail either way. if i kno the ish i'll pass. so y worry. y get worked up over something like that. i mean, i get worked up over shit and it doesnt help the situation at all and i ruin my day because of it. when i let things pass and i dont dwell on shit i'm fine. like the thing with lauren today. i really wanted her to come out with us. one cuz i wanted to hang out with her outside my house for once. two cuz i realllllllly want the two of them to get along. i jsut wish she'd try a bit. thats all. i friggin CLUNG to that girl for a good 30 minuts maybe more. smotherin her face in kishez so she'd cheer up and i got her to smile a bit (teehee! always works!) and even as she as about to just walk out i still asked her to please come. just for me. ::shrug:: she didnt want to. i tried. pretty hard actualy. normaly i just take no as the answer after a while. but i kept at it. but hey. u dont want to then fine. i wont sweat it.no my nite want "ruined" bc she wasnt there. but it would have been nice. well no. cuz we were chylin at his house n she would have been the odd one out since it was john n jane *&* me n hobbes. so that would have been awkward. ::shrug:: either way. it owuld have been nice for her to just be like okay i'l come for a lil bit. even jsut to say hi. at least try that much. saying hi. :;sigh:: bt eh. im not letting it get to me. cuz i kno i tried. its not like i jut sai d HEY! hobbes jsut called and i wanna see him sooooo fuck off :;smile:: cheers! ohwells. i hope we're still on for getting waffles tomorrow tho, dude. ::pout:: please?? ::tugs ur arm::

another thing. john was doing the whole 'i call jane! so that leaves u n megan!' thing. like..dude? that shits MAD grammer school and theres no being descrete about sumn thats well known to the both of us. so just...shoosh. leave us be. =oP it was cute tho, i'll give him that lol a lil irritating after about 10 minutes but eh. wutcanyado





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