Writer's Block: Sarah Palin?

Sep 02, 2008 14:19

I had no idea who this woman was until yesterday- with all the drama surrounding her -I highly doubt she'll leave the "blogsphere" ( A term every sentient blogger probably hates- I know I do. ) or the hallowed halls of the  radio starions , featuring  chemically imbalanced talk show hosts.

I'm sure she does as much backdoor lobbyign as any other republican. I'm sure she lets as many pharmecutical/agribusiness companies dump poison into ground water and genetically modify nutrients out of every seed and make those seeds the required ones bought by American farmers accepting government loans they could farm without.

I'm sure after assuring that every person in her state who could afford normal food was poisoned including children while pimping what a family-centered person she was because she was republican.

So I'm sure she is an excellent choice considering their standards..

writer's block

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