Eye eye eye carona

Aug 23, 2008 13:30

So that song, "My Sharona" makes me think of the easily accessable import beer. 
Which makes me think of my impending 21st birthday. Which makes me think : What am I going to drink?

I really wanna go on a trip but barring that I think I'd settle for some new dining experience ( ultra authentic indian/Chinese/Japanese/thai/food or ultra swanky "normal" western place or  a good steak house. <.< ) I'm thinking the later .

Naturally where ever I go will have a bar and I've had the following reccomended to me:

-Harvey Wall Banger (by dad)
-Sidecar (by mom, because suddenly I'm Emily Gilmore )
-Sex on the beach ( my more than a little out of it aunt) 
-Rum and coke ( sister) 
-Shirley Temple ( other sister)
-Shirley Temple Black
-Vodka Martini (bfffffffffffff)

I wanna try something unparalelled in frivolity and clique-y-ness(Okay- just cool names). Like:

-An appletini
-A grass hopper ( I like the color green)
-A pink sqiurrel 
- A Carribean sunrise 
(or anything citrusy)

Things I will not try(on my impending birthday or any other day infront of people) because they sound like 40+ women on the prowl, drinks. Like recent divorcee drinks. Like a woman who freuents a 40-60 joint ( thank you for that tip GG)

-Tom Collins
-Sex on the beach
-Screaming orgasm(although, looking it up, it looks really good. Webtender is such a resource)
-anything involving slippery or fuzzy bodyparts, or anything with an adjective and a body part. 
-Mai Tai

Drinks I will probably make a lot of ( through the course of history) at home but not nessicarily drink out

-Jello shooters ( If I can find lycee jello or green tea jello I'll do it with Sake) 
-Longisland iced tea ( Actually I think I'll probably order it) 
-Black berry/cherry/whatever liqour) 
-Hard lemonade
-Screw Driver
-Microbrew- though I don't plan to make it.  I plan to drink it.

So checking out webtender- there's a lot of slutty drinks. 'm wondering what makes a drink slutty or whore-y as the case maybe. Jagermeister seems like it would just go without saying-I've picked this much up from TV- JAgermeister means the girl wants to go home with ANYone.  I guess it just means it's bad.

Ooh I wonder what a Gilligans Island is...Ew. I hate peach-flavored stuff that doesn't acutally contain peaches. So it tastes too much like peaches. This goes for anything. :P

Okay the affiritive action - I totally don't get it .

Ew- they have one called after birth. Ew. Made by a guy or a crabby lesbian who was tied of hearing abotu her friend's new baby.

This is the most disgusting drink I have ever heard of : http://www.webtender.com/db/drink/4082

Agent Orange is more than a little politically incorrect.

But if I ever want to get really drunk and I'm mad at a Veitnamese person I guess an Agent orange is the way to go.

The airhead is aptly named. Okay sickly sweet artifical flavorings are like getting a compliment from a robot- not the real thing and nothing to get excited about.

Alaskan pipeline, eh ? That looks good.

Alice in wonderland, eh? Ew.

Vampie juice looks good. Only I have no idea what blue curacao is.

The all american looks nice too. In a " I just got dumped by combine driver" way. 
Hey- zorro!

The Zorro looks naaaaaaaaasty.

Okay I got to Z- way after it stopepd being fun.

the booze manifesto

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