PROMPT 1: Stars (vampire diaries)

Jan 09, 2010 18:00

PROMPT:  Stars
CHALLENGE:  At least 30 words.  One-sit writing.

Pairing:  BONNIE & mentions of DAMON

Bonnie sat in her car, staring from her driveway to the warmth glowing out of the living room windows.  They faintly flashed, reflecting colors from the television that were bouncing around inside.  Her mom and dad were probably watching American Idol and working their way through a bowl of popcorn.

Bonnie's stomach clenched painfully and she turned away, staring down at the steering wheel of her car.  Saturday night was the meteor shower.  Damon said that if she didn't show up by seven... he'd come looking for her.  First stop, her family's house.  Second, Grams' home on the other side of town.  It wasn't a light threat.

They weren't opening the tomb, just experimenting, so she didn't know why she was so anxious.  They were testing out an old spell to make contact with the enclosed Katherine.  The celestial event was suppose to channel her magic and make the spell more potent.  Damon was desperate to talk with Katherine, see how bad of shape she was in.  Bonnie really hoped it didn't work.   But it had to or she was toast.

She couldn't believe she'd made a deal with a vampire.  And he was the worst vampire she could possibly have gotten involved with.  Violent, selfish, obsessive... all he could think about was Katherine.  Bonnie was truly starting to believe that freeing her was the motive behind everything he did.  Damon would kill anyone that got in his way.

There were bigger dangers in Mystic Falls now though.  Ones gunning for the Bennett family.  Damon was a lot of things, frightening things, but he wasn't out to kill her.  If it didn't have to do with Katherine, she was off his radar.

Earlier she had pizza with Elena and Caroline at the Mystic Grill, gossiping and going over their recent relationship troubles.  Stefan was keeping secrets again and Matt was playing hard to get (Elena suggested to Caroline that because of his mom and sister, he probably had serious trust issues with women.  Bonnie agreed, the boy had been let down by a host of females... even Elena).

It was nice to get wrapped up in their troubles for awhile.  She and Caroline even had a good laugh teasing Elena about Stefan's sexual prowess.  Then Tyler Lockwood showed up with Matt, stopping by their table before heading to the back for pool and darts.  After that, Bonnie couldn't stop thinking about Saturday night.

The Lockwoods kept a very dangerous secret.  Possibly more deadly than even the Bennett's secret (deadly in a 'the town hunting you down with pitchforks' sort of way).   The mayor would certainly kill anyone who threatened to reveal what he kept hidden.

Bonnie swallowed nervously, her hands wringing tightly around the steering wheel.

It was too bad Bonnie had been in the wrong place at the wrong time during last month's full moon.  She'd barely gotten away and a few days later she started receiving menacing texts from an 'uknown' number - threatening her and her family.  She had a hunch Mayor Lockwood had done a little research, looking for something to hold over her head.  He found it of course.

Bonnie sighed, looking back towards the living room.  Were there ANY normal people in this town?

When this country was founded, settlers from all over came here to escape persecution.  Well, apparently the batshit crazy people who founded this effed up town were running from fiery stakes, pointy objects, and people frightened by monsters.

In exchange for Bonnie working her magic at Old Fell's Church, Damon solemnly agreed to protect her family.  As long as her spells worked of course.  He snarkly suggested she wouldn't be capable of even summoning a housefly... but she shut him up by flying a boulder into the back of his skull. 

bonnie, vampire diaries

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