TVD drabble...

Dec 15, 2009 22:21

...small Vampire Diaries drabble. Currently hooked on Damon/Bonnie but, in my usual fashion, could only manage to wring a small snippet of words from my mind (pathetic).

Damon slipped through the covers like a shadow, cool fingers crawling along her skin. He wasn’t real though. Couldn’t be. Ancient laws forbid him from entering her home. Hot breath blew over Bonnie’s shoulder as he edged closer. A hand fisted in the material of his shirt, to shove him away or pull him closer she wasn’t sure, she was too lost in his dark heated stare.

Hopefully someday, I'll manage a whole one-shot or something. Btw, am currently on writing hiatus from dean/jo and just jo. Part of the problem is that I like to stick as close to canon as possible, so it's hard for me to even write future fic with Jo. Since she's all dead now. :P I have a few 'back from the dead' scenarious floating around my head, but... I dunno. *shrug*

vampire diaries, damon/bonnie

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