May 03, 2010 16:57
I've tried to get myself off of caffeine many times in the past 20 years. I know you all have heard me or heard of me swearing off soda for a time, or caffeine, or being happy I'm off of them. But when it comes right down to it I'm a die-hard soda addict and even if I manage to quit for a little while, I'm inevitably drawn back into using.
It's not like I'm addicted to something serious, but it's just as persistent even without the rigors of physical withdrawal. For instance...
Today, 3 o'clock rolled around. My current resistance to drinking soda/caffeine requires that I don't touch it after noon. That way I can be assured I'll at least get to sleep at a reasonable hour. After noon, it becomes more and more dangerous to my night's sleep. But 3 P.M. rolled around and I was down. I was depressed and exhausted. Or perhaps depressed because I was exhausted (or even the other way around) and since I'm the only one home with two others depending on me, I wandered to the fridge and cracked open an "emergency beverage".
Here we are at 5 P.M. and not only did I manage to keep everyone happy, but I cleaned a good portion of the house, cooked as well and I'm happy. I'm not wanting to curl up in a dark corner and scream at anything that comes near enough to bother me to "go away". I can't afford to do that, and now I don't have to spend all day being surly as I resist the urge. Everyone is happier. I have been a productive, responsible adult.
That's all good until it's time to bed down tonight and I have to decide if I should take a Benedryl in order to get a full night's sleep, or to toss and turn for several hours and be in the same state tomorrow, only much earlier in the day. And, of course, tomorrow I'll needing even more caffeine to keep going.