Political Awareness

Oct 20, 2004 12:02

Here's something I fail to excel at, and with very little guilt. I could quite easily watch more news on TV, but it is depressing. Like too much of our generation, my husband and I get most of our news from The Daily Show.

What is scary is that lately, I've been more up-to-date than he is. I owe this entirely to the blog community, and in particular to Goldberg and Guthrie. It's an entirely new phenomenon to sit down for the Daily Show, and be able to call the punchline before Jon can say it. Dan has been positively floored. I don't think I've gotten as many shocked looks out of him since.. well. I can't really say when I've gotten quite so many looks. :)

Most recently I went back and took the time to watch a link they referenced earlier in the week about Jon Stewart on Crossfire. Here is a man making some very legitimate complaints about how the news industry is covering the election and politics, and he's doing it with flair. I can't stop laughing. And yet each point is brought up with the weight of being well-informed behind it. I can tell, because every time I've scratched the surface of what Jon Stewart talks about, I've found so much more interesting information backing it up. The man is amazing.

I really think The Daily Show does a good job because they don't take the 'we have to have it first' track. They sift through everything else, and come up with the nuggets that are really worth it. It's a shame that most news shows today have gone the other way. It's more important to be first, than to be right, or pertinent.


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