Public post.. picturessss as requested by you.

Mar 31, 2005 08:39

Try to pick yours out.. since I am too lazy to catagorise them by who asked. I still need to take a couple more, like picture of my desk and when I wake up int he morning.. but this is a majority of them. I hope you enjoy.

Computer screen with all my IM'ing programs

Left side of my face

Me and my teacher (mr. michaelis US history)

Something random and unusual.

Picture of pete

Neighbors door

View from my window

Another view from my window lmao


Backyard again


.. and again.

My fridge

My cat.. random again

My cat running away.

My chair

First thing I see when I wake up

Someone drinking coke... lmao

My tounge of my favourite shoe

Running water

My pinkie toe of my right foot.. (you're sucha weirdo aleesha)

And another picture of pete.

And.. a picture of my friend Shelby sleeping.
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