Sep 18, 2003 12:36
Last night, I was a gangsta with cool guns and everything. I was a fierce bitch. I had an accomplice or two. One was this really cute guy, he was my partner I think. He was cool tho, cause he let me feel like the hot shot. We held up a market. Leslie was in the market, which kinda sucked, but I let her go. She was pickin out a jacket when I saw her in this little store. It was a kinda hippie jacket with camel colored sleeves and the rest was blue jean, had some design stuff on it, it was cool....anyway, when I was holdin up the place, she started crying that her mom had always wanted her to have a jacket like a that one, and she was gonna be so excited. When I told her she could go, she went hysterically crying out of the market, and I got like this sweeping aerial shot of her running, crying, and saying "My momma's gonna love this jacket!!"
Then later I was in the bathroom when two people were coming, so I hid. Turned out to be my cousins from my dad's side, Becca and Erica. When they got done in the bathroom, they both grabbed some of the rolls of toilet paper and were commenting on how they both lived off of their parents toilet paper and shit. And I'm hidin and heard this, and in my dream I'm like "I KNEW IT!" Eh, I dunno....maybe that's just my brain saying, I know that my family gives them anything they want just because they put up this "I do no wrong" front. But why that was thrown in at that part I dunno.
Then after we got away from the market, me and my partner met up, everyone else was either killed or it was just the two of us. Then we kissed because it was like "Holy shit! We both made it!" But it wasn't a regular kiss. And in the last couple of dreams I had I kissed a guy this way too. It was an upside down kiss. our faces were turned opposite each other. Like his forehead was above my chin, and vice versa. So his bottom lip hit my top lip. Kinda like the kiss in Spiderman when he's hangin upside down, but neither of us were hanging. I was laying down on the hood of a truck and he was leaning over me. It was nice. At that exact moment I thought of my "boy in training" as Les says. And my partner turned into him while we were kissing. Strange.
Throughout my dream, after we pulled our guns, my teeth had started quickly rotting in my mouth. I could feel them crack down into my gums. And pieces would come out one by one. Then at the end of the dream, all the teeth that I had left fell out all at once, and I woke up. W T F ?!?!?!
So anyway, last night was Les's bday party dinner at her house. Goodness! Man Momma sure can cook it up. And Daddy made his "special cheese dip." I had a great time. Les baby, I hope you had a really awesome birthday this year honey, you deserve it. I LOVE YOU!!! Now, just THREE MORE MONTHS TO THE DAY! And I'll be 22 2. hehe yeha.
Went to Culture Tuesday night as usual. It was supah-fun cause it started Leslie's bday off. I rolled up 3 blizno's before we went. Smoked one at the house, lost one, and smoked the other one at the club. Then I found the other one I had lost by some guys car I had been sitting on. Hellz yeah! So then we smoked that one. We drank some beer, visited with some peeps, had a good ole time. I wish more people would come to Culture on Tuesdays. There's gotta be something we could do to better promote it or something. I think I'm gonna talk to Lou about it. I can't wait for the Reggae tour that's comin. It's gonna be SWEET. I'll post exactly when it is when I find out.
Tonight we'll be at Red Star, this is becoming routine. Kinda cool. So, if anyone is up for it GET ON OUT THERE!!! Girls drink free from 12 to 1, and it's only two dollars to get in. Can't beat that. See ya there if you're comin!