curiouswombat made an art post with the follow on that she handed out artist's names to commenters for them to post more art. I am not intending to do that, unless you ask. Although if you do ask...
She gave me the Scottish artist John Duncan, who I had not heard of, so I followed her useful link to
Art UK and did a search.
It seems that he painted in a few different styles. Most of his work that I saw is definitely Victorian, high-romantic Art Nouveau - Arthurian and Celtic legendary characters in gorgeous and colourful medieval garb.
But there was also this very human portrait of Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930), "Musician and Collector of Hebridean Songs" which caught my eye amongst the gaud and which I really like.
So if you want an artist, ask and I will see what I can do. (Or go look at wombat's post and ask her *g*)