Bewitched - Chapter 1

Mar 28, 2009 09:07

Title: Bewitched

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Comments 41

chaoskir March 28 2009, 11:35:16 UTC
Very exciting! And intriguingly! Thanks for sharing. I like your fic very much. *smile* Next update?


thismaz March 28 2009, 16:15:58 UTC
Thank you. I'm so glad you are enjoying it. Next update, hopefully next Saturday.


1_mad_squirrel March 14 2010, 01:18:58 UTC
Icon love!


chaoskir March 14 2010, 14:58:34 UTC
Hehe, dito!!

And they are still claiming nuts at my balcony!


anonymous March 28 2009, 12:07:21 UTC
So that's how RJ's jacket got magicked... great start to another one of your excellent stories. Looking forward to following this one too.



thismaz March 28 2009, 16:17:33 UTC
*g* I couldn't resist building that reference in. Thank you very much. Next chapter will be posted next week end, I hope.


mulder200 March 28 2009, 13:29:50 UTC
Oh, how interesting! Just what will happen next? I can't wait to find out.


thismaz March 28 2009, 16:18:33 UTC
*grins* Thank you very much. I'm so pleased you are enjoying it.


patchouliyum March 28 2009, 14:55:32 UTC
Fabulous, there is not enough spander in the world :)


thismaz March 28 2009, 16:21:47 UTC
Thank you. There can't ever be enough *g* It's about all I write. If you are interested, there is a list of tags on the right hand side of my journal page.


whichclothes March 28 2009, 15:52:53 UTC
What a wonderful beginning! Can't wait to read more.


thismaz March 28 2009, 16:23:35 UTC
Thank you very much. I hope to post the next chapter, next week end. And thank you for commenting.


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