January meme, Days 14 to 27

Jan 27, 2022 07:51

I went to see the new Macbeth at the cinema the other day. It's certainly very dramatic. The black and white format is very stylish and the sets manage to tread a neatly balanced line between cinematic landscape and stage set. The weird sisters were absolutely amazing. Brilliantly done! But... but... it always takes me a moment or three to adapt my ear to Shakespeare's speech rhythms, but in this case it took so much longer. I had real trouble making out the words the actors were saying. Such a shame.

I won't say I didn't enjoy it, because I did, but I do wish I could have better heard what they were saying.

Once again time has got away from me. I've been a bit busy and didn't realise how many days had gone by. So my catch-up is behind a cut, because it's almost 2 weeks worth.

14. What movie would be greatly improved if made into a musical?
I'm not a great musical fan, so I can't answer that question.

15. What social stigma does society need to get over?
In our society? The total hang-up over all elements of sexuality.

16. What's the most creative use of emojis you've ever seen?
There have been some funny ones on Richard Osman's House of Games, when the contestants were asked to describe films using only emojis.

17. Where do you get most of your news?
The radio. Specifically BBC Radio 4.

18. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
In a funny way, I think people will feel nostalgic about this pandemic. In a "we survived" sort of way. In the way that older people now (or 20 years ago, anyway, before that generation began to died off) were nostalgic for surviving the second world war.

19. Do you like reality/competition TV shows? Why or why not? If so, which ones?
Yes. Because I enjoy watching skill and the way people can learn. Think Bake Off, the Sewing Bee, the Pottery Throwdown, Strictly, etc.

20. How fast do you read?
Pretty slowly, I think. It usually takes at least a week for me to finish a novel. I hear people say they they read a book in a day. I don't think I've ever done that.

21. Do you like classical music? If yes, name your favourite composer(s).
I don't really listen to music at all, but of the classical composers I love Bach's measured and intricate compositions. And I find ballet music, when you can feel the dance, to be pretty harmless.

22. How often do you check your phone?
I sometimes forget to turn it on.

23. What is your favourite thing to eat or drink in winter?
Soup. Homemade vegetable soup. Thick and spicy, with thick slices of buttered bread.

24. If you could switch two movie/book/TV characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movie/book/TV show?
Almost anything that involved a genre mash up, I would think.

25. How often do you stay up past 3:00 a.m.?
Never! I have always been an early riser. If I stayed up past 3am, I wouldn't bother going to bed at all.

26. If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?
It would have to be something to do with making, I think. And not something that required me to go out and quote on jobs. That strikes me as just too stressful *g* But what it would be? I really don't know.

27. Who was your worst teacher/professor? Why?
Oh, that is too long ago; I can't remember.

And that's me caught up. I will admit to running out of steam a bit *g*
I'll try not to let so long go by in future.

memes, monthly meme

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