Mar 13, 2021 07:56
The snowdrops have gone over now and the crocuses are beginning to look a little ragged, but the daffodils are out and glorious. The last few days have been chill, but bright. Yesterday the sky was a beautiful, clear blue, which is not common given our climate. But this morning it is raining, so it might be an indoor day. Or at least, an indoor morning. One thing I can be certain of, however, is that it will be a solitary morning. If it brightens up later I'll go for a walk and it is always nice how often I fall into casual conversation with other people when I'm out. Especially if I have my camera with me. There are a lot of people who are hungry for company at the moment.
And speaking of company...
11. Where do your friends and family fit in your life? Do you prefer spending time with either group over the other?
No, I have no preference. Friends and family occupy such different places in my life. There are times for family and other times when I want to be with friends who are not family.
12. Where would you like to spend the most time?
At home *g*
Taken literally (which is what I enjoy doing with these questions) there are 24 hours in the day and 7 or 8 of them are spent in bed asleep. A few more (say 5 in total) are spent in washing, dressing, eating and relaxing in the evening. That leaves 11 hours in the day to be all the other places.
So the answer has to be "At home".
13. Do you work harder with or without supervision?
Oh, without. Nowadays, being supervised would drive me crazy. When I was in paid employment, for me to be closely supervised would have been unnecessary and insulting.
monthly meme