January meme, Days 10 to 13

Jan 13, 2021 09:44

I was feeling a bit negative yesterday, but I slept really well last night and suddenly I'm feeling a lot brighter. Just goes to emphasise how much mood responds to lack of sleep. I hope you all slept well, too.

Good morning!

So being in such a positive mood, let's talk dystopia.

10. Do you enjoy dystopian future books/movies?Not at the moment ( Read more... )

memes, monthly meme

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Comments 17

kazzy_cee January 13 2021, 14:18:52 UTC
I think I would miss my phone if I was still working as I used it a lot for reminders. It’s very different when you can set your own agenda for the day.

It’s miserable here - lots of rain but it’s not that cold.


thismaz January 16 2021, 15:21:39 UTC
I am still the sort of dinosaur who likes to have a different machine for each purpose, so I never put any work stuff on my phone. But as you say, when you can set your own agenda for the day...


thismaz January 28 2021, 12:02:49 UTC
I never put any work stuff on my phone. I didn't want to end up being one of those people who answers emails at 9pm *g*


thismaz January 28 2021, 12:03:36 UTC
Sorry - just realised I'd already answered this comment from you. Ignore me.


brunettepet January 13 2021, 16:26:12 UTC
13. It amazes me how dependent on their phone many people are.


thismaz January 16 2021, 15:22:08 UTC
I know, but I can understand how it happens. I just continue to resist *g*


sparrow2000 January 13 2021, 18:45:35 UTC
I get annoyed with myself about how jumpy I get if I forget to take my phone with me. Not because I think I'm going to miss a call, but from an emergency management perspective. Although it's a valuable tool, I resent feeling that there's something missing if I don't have it.


curiouswombat January 13 2021, 19:32:48 UTC
I'm like that with mine. But when out I regularly leave it in the car and don't check it when I get back in, and when home I will put it on to charge in the kitchen and forget it, or put my handbag in the utility room and only remember a day or more later.

This means family know, if I don't reply to text message in an hour or two, to either use Messenger as it is on the computer or just - shock, horror, ring on the landline!


sparrow2000 January 13 2021, 19:39:47 UTC
shock, horror, ring on the landline! Snerk. I called my brother in Scotland before Christmas and confused the hell out of him because he couldn't work out where the ringing was coming from. Apparently no one ever calls their land line! *g*


thismaz January 16 2021, 15:28:34 UTC
shock, horror, ring on the landline
*laughs* I have been waging a loosing battle for years with a couple of people, who just won't *g* So I discover their texts hours later.


brutti_ma_buoni January 13 2021, 22:39:57 UTC
Those recurring dreams that are not really nightmares but are about some kind of frustration are really interesting. I'm glad the sleep has been cheering!


thismaz January 16 2021, 15:26:34 UTC
I think I've only ever had one nightmare in my life. But bad dreams, yes - anxiety and worry dreams... thankfully usually quite easy to interpret and so a useful warning system.


texanfan January 19 2021, 20:09:11 UTC
I look forward to a day when we get something other than dystopia when we're looking for SF books and movies. Really, can't there be a few of something else? I want my original Star Trek the future will be a better place genre to pop up occasionally.

Sadly, I might as well leave home without my left arm as without my cell phone. I'd remember no appointments, be unable to conduct many financial transactions, lose out on notes I record from meetings. Oh, and I couldn't make phone calls. The last being the least important. Honestly, I have no memory anymore, my phone is my brain. I must access it thirty times a day to add to my shopping list, make note of something I need to remember, check my to do list, etc.


thismaz January 28 2021, 12:06:45 UTC
I am re-reading CJ Cherryh novels at the moment. It's nice to read some good, proper SF.

I really don't use my phone to it's capacity. Nowhere near. The idea of putting my shopping list on there, for example... it didn't occur to me. I have a stack of small sheets of paper *g*


texanfan January 28 2021, 14:22:57 UTC
Rereading is a very good solution.

I used to keep things on paper but I was forever leaving the paper at home My phone is always with me. I wear it on my hip. They finally invented an organizer I have with me all the time.


thismaz January 29 2021, 09:44:58 UTC
It is true, I have to turn around and go back home quite often, but the same would apply if I had my list on my phone *g*


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