October Meme, Days 9 to 11

Oct 11, 2020 07:10

I see you've all been catching up on the meme, so before I catch up with your posts I think I should post my own back-logged answers.

9 Are you musically inclined? Do you sing or play an instrument?

No, no instrument. I don't even listen to music. I did used to sing in folk clubs, but I doubt I have the vocal range now.

10 Have you ever called someone the wrong name during sex or been called the wrong name by your partner?

Wow, what a question. And the answer - Gods, no!
But then, I've not had enough partners to mix them up *g*

11 What’s a form of entertainment that everyone seems to enjoy, but that you do not?

See above - listening to music for the sake of it.
And watching television chat shows, or soap operas, or Britain's Next whatever (fill in noun of your choice), or The Apprentice, or The Voice, or Strictly, or...

The rest of the month's questions can be found under the cut on day 1's post.

memes, monthly meme

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