I missed posting yesterday, so I am catching up today.
1. What Hogwarts house would you be sorted into?
I don't know. I did read the first one and a half Harry Potter books, but I have absolutely no memory of what the supposed characteristics of the various houses were, except that people in the one with the snake seemed to all be the nasty children. It all seems clichéd, stereotypical and horribly elitist to me. Exactly the type of school I would not want to have anything to do with, apart from the whole learning magic thing.
I prefer question two, even though it required quite a bit of thinking about.
2. What is the first historical event you clearly remember?
It is the 'clearly' that challenged me.
Children very much live in their own worlds. Outside events are so superfluous that they hardly leave a mark. I remember being called in to my friend's house by her mother to listen to the live radio broadcast of Apollo 8 circling the moon. I remember what the room looked like and I remember that her mother had the ironing board out and there was a basket of clothes next to it and I remember being really impressed by the idea that men had actually reached moon at that moment, but I don't really remember the radio broadcast. I don't think it was clear enough to make out the words of the astronauts, or even ground control. And I think I was too busy imagining being up there in a real spaceship to listen hard enough to make out any words. I do remember her saying "You should remember this, because it is the first time, which means it can never happen like this again".
As I say, children see the world in relation to themselves. It is not until later that we begin to even recognise that other people have lives of their own that have nothing to do with us.
ETA: Actually, having just read this month's questions, I'm not sure whether I'll do September, or not. We'll see. I might pick and choose.
In the meantime, the rest of the questions are under the cut:
3. What part of elementary/primary school would you like to incorporate into your adult life?
4. If you could eliminate one thing that you did every day, what would it be?
5. Your rescue team in the coming zombie apocalypse is the cast of the last television show you watched. How screwed are you?
6. What is something you do to indulge yourself?
7. Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't actually ill but didn't want to give the real reason?
8. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in public?
9. Are you a worrier? What’s something you’re worried about right now? Can you do something constructive about the situation?
10. Would you sign up to be a colonist on another planet if it meant you would never be able to return to earth?
11. Do you like having your picture taken? Why or why not?
12. Do you experiment with your hairstyle often, or do you have a classic style you stick with?
13. What’s your favourite childhood story or fairy tale?
14. What are your Top Ten favourite books?
15. Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
16. How did you make a difference for someone else today?
17. If you were given £1M, with the stipulation that you must spend it on yourself within one year, how would you spend it? (The question was originally dollars, but I changed it to make it more relevant to me *g*)
18. What do you daydream about?
19. What was the first song you ever memorized?
20. What’s your favourite kind of bread?
21. What’s a big pet peeve you have?
22. Do you have an inanimate object that you have given a name?
23. What’s your favourite Elton John song, and why?
24. If you could choose any animal as a pet (all problems aside), which one would you have and why?
25. What’s something “everyone” knows how to do that you’ve never actually done?
26. What’s one small thing you’ve accomplished today that wasn’t even on your to-do list?
27. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?
28. Is there a book or TV series that you enjoy, but acknowledge that it's not actually very good? What makes you love it enough to keep reading/watching?
29. If you were your own best friend, what piece of unsolicited advice would you give yourself?
30. What television sitcom is your real life most like?