(no subject)

Jun 19, 2003 12:34

I just spent two hours in church. Again. Today is the last big holiday of the church calendar--Fronleichnam. Or Corpus Christi. After a full mass, a procession formed with Viktor holding the cross in the front, a group of children following behind. The priest was under what looked like a carpet held by four men. The rest of us strolled behind a group of brass players. We sang and marched through the streets. The idea is that people should be able to look on Jesus once a year. I walked with Brigitte, Brian's girlfriend. He was one of the carpet holding men.

I almost missed the fun because I overslept. I was out a little late last night with Viktor and Basti. We had wein at a place I have always wanted to drink. It's behind St. Ulrich's in Spittelberg. I used to walk by it all the time.

I need to eat.
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