Extravagant Love

Mar 19, 2014 15:45

I read this in one of the lessons I taught at TKK with the kids from the series - Tru by David Cook. There is an "Inspire" column and here's a true story that speaks.

""What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of." This sit was destined to become a hit. In the song, All You Need Is Love The Beatles sang, "She loves you". To which we answered "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Through every generation mankind has a deep craving for true love.

I have a friend who went on a mission trip to India. She came home with stories of poverty and lost and hurting people. She also came home with a story of love. One of the ministries they were partnering with was serving at a clothing and food distribution site for the Dalits. The Dalits are the lowest of the low castes. They are also called the "Untouchables". As the team passed out eggs, bananas and clothing, they ran out of supplies before everyone had been served. One of the young men from her team noticed an older man sitting off to the side crying because there was nothing left for him. Moved by this man's pain, the young man took off his shirt and shoes and gave them to the older Dalit. He gave all he could in the moment and went about the rest of the day ministering in India with no shirt and no shoes. This is true love.

I want to love as this young man loved! My constant prayer is for a loving and humble heart. To have a humble heart is to understand and appreciate the true worth of others and to respect them. A humble person does whatever is necessary to help a fellow being in need. This is the extravagant love of Jesus. May we always remember His love."

Be inspired.

via ljapp

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