quick and dirty (and pretty bad) translation of the beginning of a doujin

Aug 12, 2013 13:34

Kakashi: 君は怪しい奴だな。名を名乗れ。- You're pretty suspicious. Identify yourself!

2nd panel:
まずは名をなのってもらおか - There's a lot I want to ask you, but first tell me who you are.
3rd panel:

財布の中に名刺が入ってる。。。- There's a business card in my wallet.

取れ. -Take it.

1st panel:

大蔵グループ 代表取締役?- Ministry of finance, representative director?

2nd panel:

社長さんがこんなとこで何やつ。。。- What's a director doing in a place like this?

4th panel:

覗いてた理由がこれかあ… - So, this would be your reason for peeping, huh?

テンテンにはもう心に決めた男がいるよ。- There's already a man who has his heart set on Tenten. (not too sure about this one - gist would be Tenten already has a guy ** and since the artist who made this doujin seems to ship Gai/Tenten pretty hard, I'd say Kakashi's talking about Gai)

1st panel:

違う。- you're wrong.

右の人だ。It's the person on the right.

4th panel:

マイト ガイ に抱かれたい。- I want to be with Maito Gai. (verb can also straight up mean "sleep with", so...)

1st panel:

なあお願いだカイのことなんでもいいから教えてくれ! - Please, I beg you, I would do anything for Gai, please tell me what I can do!

2nd panel:

せ、せめて写真だけでも欲しいんだ。頼む!!- Even just a photo would make me happy. I'm begging you!

3rd panel:

アンタねぇオレは上忍だよ? - Hey, you, I'm a jounin, you know?


カイの 裸体を撮ってきたら - If you hand this over to the military police, then I'll bring you pictures of Gai's naked body. (Ugh, this sentence, I'm pretty sure that's not what he's saying. Fucking Japanese and its hatred for actually naming the subject and/or direct object instead of just tossing bits of a sentence at you - or maybe I'm just dumb...)
4th panel:

百万両出す - I'll take a million photos!

お任せて下さい - Just leave it to me!


I don't know if I'll do the rest. I should definitely work on my Japanese... It's pretty shitty.
But this doujin is a little weird. What is it with Kakashi in this? LOL. He's so disturbed.
doujin source
[cut for fic idea rambling]
Actually, I once almost wrote a fic in which Gai had a male fan (but he wasn't as creepy as that guy) - it was a character from one of the Ultimate Ninja Games (I think it might have been one of the PS2 ones, or maybe it was Storm 2?), a cute little chuunin who popped up in one of those side missions. I don't really remember the whole plot, but he said something about having been training with Gai and Lee but being unable to keep up with them in the long run. What I do remember is that he said that Gai and he would stay friends and, "Gai-san is really good at taking care of people!" I thought that was super-cute, so I had this story idea about this guy totally crushing on Gai (finding a million excuses to be with him, giving him presents), Gai being completely oblivious and Kakashi getting kinda annoyed for no reason. And then maybe cute chuunin would be like: I respect you as my superior, Kakashi-san, but you are my rival in romance!! And Kakashi would be all: What is it about me that attracts the weirdos? Is there a sign on my back or something?
But he'd also be side-eying cute chuunin really hard and being extra-mean to him. For no reason.
On that note, I haven't actually played Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 in a while, but I've got an XBLA Gold membership (I got it more or less by accident) at the moment, so maybe I should. Then again, I'm a little scared of playing online because I pretty much suck /sigh.

ultimate ninja storm, translation fail, doujin, xbla, will be locked later, kakashi/gai, kakagai fics i'm too lazy to write

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