I - I'm not beating myself up I'm just, I didn't mean to call her that properly. Only now she's started looking like it fits her and I'm not sure what else would.
...Sometimes I think 'maybe I'll get up, just for a moment.' And she seems fast asleep, but the moment I think it a little claw starts to dig into me. I don't understand how she knows.
....Izuru doesn't mean anything at all. I always wondered why it was chosen for me, because of that, but perhaps you're right and it is appropriate, after all.
Iruka means dolphin. -_-;; I'm not quite sure what my parents were thinking at the time.
I had a cat when I was younger - he was called Dog of all things. He'd always know days in advance when we were going to take him to the vet and would then spend the night under the couch. That I could cope with - it was the dead things he used to leave on my bed after we took him to the vet that would get to me. Cats are strange.
Dolphins are known for their intelligence and sociability, aren't they? I think it fits. And you read all those stories about dolphins rescuing people. It's, it isn't a bad name, better than meaning nothing.
...I think mouse will be an indoor cat. I'd feel rather awful if she killed any of her nakesakes.
I suppose it must be very hard to discipline a cat...at least dogs can be trained, but cats are so wilful.
...Sometimes I think 'maybe I'll get up, just for a moment.' And she seems fast asleep, but the moment I think it a little claw starts to dig into me. I don't understand how she knows.
Cats are psychic....they always know.
....Izuru doesn't mean anything at all. I always wondered why it was chosen for me, because of that, but perhaps you're right and it is appropriate, after all.
And you know, I think she just might be.
I had a cat when I was younger - he was called Dog of all things. He'd always know days in advance when we were going to take him to the vet and would then spend the night under the couch. That I could cope with - it was the dead things he used to leave on my bed after we took him to the vet that would get to me. Cats are strange.
...I think mouse will be an indoor cat. I'd feel rather awful if she killed any of her nakesakes.
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