Nov 30, 2004 18:14
Monday at school was fun as ever, pretty much the normal day. Although i got bored in quite a few lessons so read my book 'Nip n' tuck' [nothing to do with the tv series] it's actually really interesting, i am very into my chick lit at the moment, all i ever seem to read is female authors, writing about women, but hey, it's all added to my mentality [don't think that's the right word but nevermind] - These are the sort of people i'm aspiring to be like, Marian Keyes or something like that. It'll be a dream come true the day my writing is recognized as witty and enjoyable to read. I might put some stuff on here, i've been meaning to write a piece on the joys of my so called 'job' for so long anyway.
Bit of excitement on Monday was Miss Miller [my tutor] chastisizing me for wearing... shock horror - EYE SHADOW! My god, how bloody terrible am i?! Such a rebel wearing EYE SHADOW of all things! [Please note, huge amounts of sarcasm!] She demanded i removed it by lunch,I think not somehow! So of course, 5 seconds after the bell her beady eyes were on my still sparkling emerald eyelids, she went fairly crazy... Was actually kinda funny! Although i am pretty sick of her making an example of me all the time, half the girls in tutor were wearing just as much if not more make up than i, yet who does she notice? Me, what a surprise! It's like she's got an obsession with all my miniscule faults! Anyway, i'm not going to get all wound up. She was shouting stuff about speaking to Mr Green, i told her i'd go see him right then if she wanted - she shut up after that, although i have a feeling tomorrow either nothing will be said or it'll be all out war. US vs HER. Am even trying to convince Eric to wear eye shadow just for one day!
Today we had an Inset. I meant to use the day to catch up on sleep, do some worth while revision and such, but instead i went to London with Megs. It was a pretty fun day, wandering around, taking ridiculous photos and of course the very wonderful-ness of Camden. We ran into some very wasted and/or stoned people from school, if nothing else they provided bloody good entertainment!
Got home at about 3pm, weirdly felt absolutely shattered all of sudden though. Chilled for an hour or so nd then went out to do my joyous so-called job, the horror that is a paper round. Since i'm 15, skint and wanting to go to Thailand for a month i didn't have an alternative except get a paper round. No where else employs unless your sixteen, a friend or family member of the business owner or extremely damn lucky. Unfortunately for me, i'm none of these... Only 6 months to go till i'm 16 though and can get a decent job working in a pub, where i'll get tipped too! Shame all my thailand money has to be in before that, i'm getting there though and all the hard work should be worth the amazing experience!
And lastly of course i'm going to mention Jonathan maybe just a lil bit... He is the main reason i got an Lj anyway! As ever he's been lovely and sweet, we had a laugh on webcam as ever, i love making him smile by acting stupid! I'm glad i can sometimes cheer him up when he's down, and he's great to me as well. Always listenin to my whinges, nd takes my side with all my various fights with my tutor! Thanks for everything sweetie.