Dec 24, 2004 17:36
So yeah, thought it was time i did another entry. I guess i've been busy, and lazy! I thought i should catch up on my actual written journal first too. Man, i'm useless.
Well since last entry all the exams are over and done with and infact it's X-mas. Tomorrow. I'm still pretty excited, but all the stress of exams and such before has taken the spirit out of me a lil. Since i last wrote, as i said exams finished - thank god! all went fairly well i guess, then went to Alex's party on saturday. Got hammered, which was hilarious, pics to prove it on phil's site and still managed to look after Goddard who'd had just a teeny lil bit too much Ouzo for his own good, and the bathroom floor's. Was good fun though, and spent the night chatting to Tom inbetween sleeping on the bed we shared [No sex, before anyone else decides to assume so! bloody rude!]
Then on sunday whilst nursing my hangover on the sofa, Muse come on to MTV. I sit pondering... 'be cooel to see them live, bet it's amazing' knowing that they were playing soon but definitely all sold out unless i had a spare £200. Ten minutes later Megs [my saviour!] rings, with what...Yes, a bloody spare ticket to Muse that eve! And to really make my day, The Zutons were supporting. That was a bloody brilliant night. I'd write about it, but it would wear my fingers down and you'd be sick of the words 'fan-bloody-tastic' and 'muse are' by the end of it. Unfortunately my phone was destroyed at that gig, i almost cried. Who would have thought i could be so attached to my retro 3310. Also met Edd. Whom i'm very grateful to for my legs...many a time i was crushed [at 5'6 what did you expect at a Muse gig] and he dragged me back out. Lovely bloke. Actually makes sense too, which is a bonus.
Then i spent a few days sleep and re-coperating or however you spell that. Since i hadn't slept much since school finished. Spent 7 hours helping Conkers out on wednesday with some community hall appeal, made me feel like i was doing some good anyhow. Plus he bought me chinese afterwards and we ate off 'Miranda' heh... Then i had present visits from both Dawn and Ian, cooel to see them and ian mocked my microwave meal lunch - mum wont let me eat anything else since 'it's for x-mas!!!' as she screeched at me earlier. I'm not sure who mis-informed my mother, but i'm quite sure X-mas isn't a month long and doesn't require three different puddings a day!
In the infamous words of pete when drunk;'Pudding is bad...'
Then today i was back up at Safeways trying to raise money to fill the hole [i.e. the whole building] in our Scout Hut wall, well hopefully we'll get a new one. Maybe with bricks if we're extra lucky! it'll work out eventually, by the time i'm back from Uni anyway.
So X-mas tomorrow... Enjoy it everyone. Much love from me.