Title: Playing by the Rules
Rating: General Audiences
Author: ThisJerseyDevil (LJ & Twitter)/JerseyDevil (A03)
Characters: Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, Grace Williams, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly
Spoilers: N/A
Warnings: Fluff
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters portrayed here. I do not make any money from this.
Author's Notes: This is what happens when SimplyN2Deep challenges me to write my first ever fanfic! If you have problems with it, I say to blame her. LOL! Anyhow to get me started we agreed 10K, I have no idea how long this will actually be because I can get wordy...just be prepared. I used one of the ideas I posted at Twitter regarding things we'd like to vote for back when the vote for the killer episode happened, Grace has enough and handcuffs them together. It sounded good and made me laugh, so here goes!
Thanks to Liz and Nek for helping me with this...I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Grace has had enough of her Danno arguing with Uncle Steve constantly. She knows they mean the world to each other, it's about time they realized it themselves. So with the help of her Auntie Kono, Grace devises a plan to make them face their feelings.
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