Dear A,
I saw your uncle last night and I wanted to tell him how sore you were as a person. It does not matter whether or not he would believe me, whether he would take my side, whether he would listen.
One person out there should realize that all this rambling bitterness is meant to warn people about you.
You are a bad friend. More so because you hide in the guise that you are a perfect friend: amicable, compassionate and dependable. If people can move beyond the material things that you give them, the little favors you offer, the loud laughter that you fake, they would realize that you say the meanest things against them behind their backs. You use them in the childish "you against others" games that you play.
You are a dispensable insincere friend. Stop using people to feed your hunger for attention and drama. Grow up.
Most sincerely yours,
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