I promised
Helga and
sugarcages that I am going to make something similar to their
Dealbreakers entries and I didn't realize that it is such a hard list to do.
I am proud of myself at the thought that hmmmn, the boys I date aren't cringe-worthy at all(!). Perhaps I could even say that I dated catches more than misses. Unlike my sister (
sinabsolution), whose dating lists include possible losers and future stalkers, mine aren't at all. I have a much-better history of the heart, my mother used to congratulate me for this fact. I date the ones you could present to your mother, just so you know.
The history of my heart has been a pretty good one. I do not know if I know what I actually want but there are some things that I steer away from, like the following:
1. Spits in public
Uhm, no.
2. Wears the "I am Smarter Than You" Badge
I only date people who are "better" than I am in some way, call it a fascination with talent. So I don't see their point why they have to compete with me with the little things like comparing his and my IQ or who's a better English speaker or who's better in Biology.
3. Bitterness About Your Past Relationships
If I sense any bitterness in you about any of your past relationships, i.e. you don't like their current affairs, you don't like their friends, you think their current significant others are ugly, etc., then I do not know how to deal with you. If you think you're so much better than them, then please explain to me, double-spaced-Times-New-Roman-12-complete-with-related-literature, why you are not together with them anymore.
4. If You Are Clearly Not Over Your Past Relationship/s
Move(ing) on.
5. You Look Too Clean-Cut and Ordinary
I am pretty sure I cannot sustain a fascination with you if you are much too similar with everyone else. If you do not stir my imagination as much or anymore, well say hello-nice-to-meet-you to someone else then.
6. You're Younger Than I
I try to steer away from people who are born later than 22 November 1985. I like people who are emotionally mature. And if the idea is true that boys are less mature than girls, then clearly your birthdate tells me so much about you.
7. You're Too Much of an Extrovert
I wouldn't like you laughing too loud with your 22 friends. Ick, too many people = not for me.
8. You Like Fashion Too Much
I have girl friends, you know. I do not like to get fashion advice from you.
Come to think about it, the list can expand more but I think it would filter the demographic too much if I write about them all.