This is I (times three!)

Mar 05, 2009 08:12

I wish there were three of me running around to do all the things that needs to be done.

One shall do all the "responsibilities" that needs to be done, this one that takes the real life, the real job, the commuting, the tiredness.)
The other shall sleep all day. (so the three bodies do not have be really tired.
The other one shall be on the internet 24/7, shall do all the papers necessary, shall make all the other letters, requirements, etc. This one is the one that shall update my LJ regulary because I miss having an update for myself.

Of course, they need to interchange everyday. The bodies need their individual rest, after all. They must have the power to remember everything that is happening to the other one. They are simultaneous and connected and alive.

I wish it were true. I need to stop being in a hurry all the time. I have only one body and I am slowly killing it because it is not enough.

o pretty things, for everyone to see, hand on this thing called art

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