Don't you just adore round-headed babies? :D
I have never attended a wedding before. This Christening is my claim-to-fame of any of those Church Celebrations.
That day I was feeling insecure because all of the celebrators' friends had kickass cameras. Cameras that would make the point-and-shoot and the Ninong/Ninang-with-a-Nikon-D40 shy to even whip out their gadgets. They commanded everyone to look this way or that way, please step forward and whatnot. But when I was searching for their pictures and finally found it, I couldn't believe that they had those high-end cameras and produced very very bad results. I shudder to think having a very "professional" camera and showing less than average results.
I don't want to own a very kickass camera and produce blurry results. EEEEEk.