Feb 09, 2009 16:08
I'm beginning to get really, really sick of arsonists. I understand the appeal of pyromania as well as (OK, perhaps rather more than than) the average person, but how people extend a fascination with fire to setting fire to random things for pointless destruction is beyond me. For that matter, is it even overblown pyromania rather than the simple desire to cause chaos and destruction? Are they really more like the people who smash bus stop glass by throwing bricks from cars, because that's the sort of thing they do for entertainment in their apparently rather pointless lives?
The worst part isn't that they're so hard to catch. Rather, when actually caught, it seems that (particularly re forest arsonists) as often or not they're empty people who're almost pointless to punish - it won't change them or their behaviour, and it won't stop anybody else doing the same thing.
Argh! It's one of those things that just makes me wonder why. What motivates them? It's alien to me.