Feb 01, 2005 21:18
1. Your Full name: elisabeth joan etchells
2. Do you feel like your name fits you? yeah i think my nickname fits better tho(izzy)
3. Do you have an alter ego? If so, what is his/her name? yup its name is billy bob(lol mybest friends know wut im talkin about)
4. Where were you born? cali
5. Where do you live? washington
6. Do you like to travel? hellz yea
7. What is your birthday? 11/22/88
8. Do you have siblings? yup 2 bros 2 foster bros also
9. Do you have pets? yup 2 dogs 2 snakes
10. Which was the happiest year of your life? um idk like 2 or 3 yrs ago and this one so far
11. How old do you wish you were? i like my age but maybe 18 or 21
12. A movie is being made about your life. Who would you cast to play yourself? amber tamblyn
13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? (if you have no significant other, cast someone anyway) ummm chad micheal murray idk
14. How would this movie end? fantastically i hope
15. Is it better to be famous or infamous? famous i dont wanna be famous for a bad reason
16. Youre going to die a natural death. What is the cause? old age
17. Youre going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause? my country
18. How long do you plan on living? idk till im of a ripe old age lol
19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head? umm idk some hoobastank song
20. Sing any commercial jingle. the snack thats smiles back (goldfishes)
21. What is your favourite element on the periodic table? helium lol
22. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
23. Introvert or extrovert? im and introvert but id like someone in the middle
24. Creation or evolution? creation
25.Action or reaction? action
26. Unity or individuality? both
27. Hugs or drugs? bugs
28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral? huh like food wise id say animal i like steak but when they out it that way its sad( and yes i know ifs sad to begin with but i need to eat)
29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? fudgesicle then popsicle
30. Fight or flight? flight i dont like fights
31. Who is your favourite historical figure? idk amelia aerhart ( i wanna fly someday)
32. Which historical figure could we have done without? idk all have had an impact on our history and we wouldnt be the same without them
33. What happened in the last dream you remember? um i cant remeber something about chris tho thats one thing i remember
34. Do nice guys really finish last? no not at alll they finish first in the long run and the short one to for that matter
35. What are your favourite boy names? chris hehe but like for a baby then bryan
36. What are your favourite girl names? hmm hailey
37. Open or closed? huh?
38. White bread or wheat bread? white
39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away? depends
40. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out? a bouncy ball(lol idk first thing that came to mind)
41.What do you want to be when you grow up? a lawyer or fighter pilot or both lol
42. What were your favourite childhood toys? my easy bake oven and my dolls
43. What was your first pet? a cat-princess
44. What annoys you? mean rude arrogant cold hearted people and other things but thats wut came first but alot of things annoy me
45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? (example. "pow" or "blam") haha i think pow was actually pretty good of one
46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop? i think it was something around 376 my bro tried when we were yoounger but little kids always cheat at those things lol
47. The glass... half empty or half full? half full
48. Tightie whities. hahahaha sexay!!
49. Mc Donalds happy meals. yummy and u get a toy
50. Reality shows. funnier than all hell(some are good tho)
51. Gummi bears or gummi worms? hmmmm perplexing question
52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive? deep sea diving
53. Paper or plastic? depends (haha and no i dont mean the adult diapers!)
54. What position do you sleep in? um curled up
55. Do you sleep on the left, right, or the middle of the bed? middle to left depends where my bed is in my room if its on the right side of my room then i sleep more on my middle right and opposite for the other side of the room
56. Sweet or sour? sweet
57. What was your favourite after school special? huh?
58.What is your favourite word? shablam!!lol idk
59. Beach or mountains? beach then mountains lol
60. Mounds or almond joy? arnt they the same??
61. Do YOU feel like a nut? umm duh!
62. To give or to recieve? give!! definetly
63. Chocolate or caramel? chocolate of course
64. Do you have any nicknames? um izzy
65. What does your name mean? umm elisabeth means something about gods child or something like that and izzy means izzy
66. Have you ever fainted? um not that i know of
67.Have you ever had a crush on a school teacher? i do have to admit i have thought of one of my teachers as good looking
68.What was the last thing you ate? oh oh oh i know this i just ate a peice of bread hehe
69.Do you have any bad habits? um it used to be biting my nails but i got acrylics now and then too it is procrastinating
what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
70. Grey... washington skys
71. Human... being
72. Fruit loop... yummmm
73. Glove... hand
74. Plum... purple
75. Structure... school
76. Race... tired (running)
77. Heart... love
78. Parasite... germs
79. What was your first happy memory? um idk
80. What was your first unhappy memory? wut came to mind first was when i fell on the treadmill and i totally got major major road rash stuff
81. If you could visit any time period, what would it be? the 50's
82.What would jesus do? um idk u tell me
83. Make up a word and define it. well its a string of words but here it is- friggen fraggen frick of a fricker!- and it means man its undefinable
84.Favourite kool aid flavour? hmm idk strawberry
85. Favourite pick up line? your so sweet you must put hersheys outta business-lol idk
86. Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll? oh oh oh isnt it the guy from the O.K. caraol
87. What did you like to make believe as a child? that i had a imaginary friend
88. Did you have an immaginary friend? haha whoa thats weird but um yeah i think her name was sara i actually had a few cuz when i forgot ones name id make a new one lol man ive had a memory problem my whole life!!!!!!!!!
89. Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion? mansion- oh wait castle no mansion hmm idk
90. Re-arrange some of the letters in your first, middle, and last name to form a description of yourself. if i can add a letter to my nickname itd be dizzy lol man im so good ive never evn heard that one before lol jk but hmm idk u guys tell me - no joke tho i cant think and i wanna know so do tell me
91. Do it fast or do it right? if ya can do both then thats good but rather do it right first or u'll have to go backand do it agian which will take longer
92.What was the last book you read? hmm i was reading one lately but i cant remember the title- the front tho looks like the butterfly effect type cover but its about a murder in tucson arizona
93. Have you ever had surgery? nope *knock on wood*
94. Random fact about you...... ive moved alot -most of u know that oh heres another ive never had a bf
95. What is the first thing you wash in the shower? idk prob my hair cuz its the first thing that the water touches but my legs really cuz i shave them lol idk
96. What is your favourite cereal? lucky charms or honey nut cheerios
97. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be? well im taking japanese and ive taken spanish so prob one i havent taken like latin
98. If you had the choice to live forever, would you? no
99. If you had the choice to be the opposite sex for a day, would you? lol hmm yeah so i could prove that being a girl is so so so much harder
well its been long im tired im gonna go l8r haters lol i think i saw that on shirins lj and it came to mind
peaceout boyscout!