My frustration has just come out in livejournal form (see
purrsnickedy, my other journal.)
Why is the perfect boy not knocking on my door saying "hello, you're the very special one,"?!
Where is the boy who has a job and likes to ride bikes and likes to dance and likes to play tag and likes animals and his family knows my family and he lives in the neighborhood and all that stupid horseshit?
Why are the only boys who are remotely attracted to me crazy psychos or stupid or meanspirited or simply do not meet my qualifications? Why have my last relationships ended like the Titanic? Why can't I talk to boys I like? Why can't the boys I like be more... available?
Am I really this untouchable? Am I a bitch? Am I stupid, ugly, self-absorbed, unintelligent?
I just don't know.
I'm not depressed, just frustrated. Very frustrated. Maybe a little angry. With myself for wasting so much time with Bob, for expecting other relationships to go differently, for being so shy and nonassertive.
Fuck this shit. I will talk to JJ. I will talk to Dylan. I will find someone. And I will be happy.
And he really will say "hello, you're the very special one," just like in "After Hours."
Either that or he won't have heard the song so I'll just say it to him instead.