May 05, 2010 13:09
The time has come to talk of many things; of shoes, and ships, and ceiling wax ...
Hmm ... perhaps there's something that Lewis Carroll can teach us about politics. Gordon Brown as the dormouse, David Cameron as the Mad Hatter and Nick Clegg as the March Hare.
Anyway, it's time for us in the UK to elect the next bunch of self-serving, bigoted, embezzling hoorays to re-embed class-based inequality back into the governing of the country. This time, whoever wins will have 6 months of honeymoon period before they need to slap us with a 30% increase in income tax, slash public services and find some way of taxing us for breathing the air here, just so they can service the debt that we've been lumbered-with from the incumbent shower.
I don't have time for any of them, or the process of only having the option to vote for people who, simply because they put themselves up for election, become (in my mind) un-electable. Perhaps I need to declare independence. After all, it worked for Americans!