Vote for Elliot to be South Florida's most beautiful baby.... because she really is. :o)

Jul 30, 2009 05:14

Hi guys. I recently put Elliot in a contest for south florida's most beautiful babies run by Sun Sentinel. Anyway, I didn't bother to read the rules till now but i just found out that the babies with the most votes are the ones who get to move on to the finals. Anyway there is only a few days left to vote and so far Elliot has only gotten votes from her mommy and daddy. Two votes is not enough. So please, please, please I'm begging you guys to click on the link and register (it takes two seconds to register and two seconds to vote, i promise it's not a long or complicated process). So please vote. Tell everyone you know to vote. We could win lots of moneys. And I'll love you all forever if Elliot makes it into the finals. Here is the link:,0,501676,permalink.ugcphotogallery?u=mommyducky

Thanks to everyone who went to the site and voted for Elliot. Elliot and I are very grateful to all of you guys! The voting is now closed and they are counting up the scores so we will know soon whether or not we got enough votes. I'll post it on here as soon as i find out. Again, thanks to everyone who helped out! Even if we don't win, it was totally worth a try. And we still have plenty of other contests going on. One of them we just found out we didn't even make it to the semi-finals and surprisingly the babies in it were not so cute. I don't know how that happened. But that's okay. We're also in the Babytalk/GMA cover contest that I wrote about a long time ago. That's still going on so we still have a shot at it. It's totally up to the judges there so all we can do is cross our fingers. Anyway, if anyone knows of any other baby beauty contests, let me know and I will enter her. She is a beautiful baby so it's all about getting the perfect photo. So thanks again everyone and wish me luck! :o)

elliot, beauty contest

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