Nov 21, 2005 23:54
1. Nervous Habits: like cleaning the oven or checking my tires?..erm, sometimes i really do count the tiles on the celing though. or bite my nails.
2. Are you double jointed: heup.
3. Can you roll your tongue: sure
4. Can you raise one eyebrow: this is gay
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: retards can blow spit bubbles
6. Can you cross your eyes: they can do that too
7. Tattoos: frick no
8. Piercings: ears
9. Do you make your bed daily: i try to, but it doesnt really happen much. i toss the comforter over the bed. does that count? eh?
10. Which shoe goes on first: the right?
11. Speaking of shoes have you ever thrown one at anyone: probably. dad/brother/bug of some sort
12. On the average, how much money do you carry: maybe around $20-$30
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: bracelets and necklaces and my anklet
14. Favorite pieces of clothing: my dumbass abercrombie jeans and some old sweatshirt thats all soft.
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam: nope. and i'm okay.
17. Favorite ice cream flavor: i try not to eat that shit. i am not a fan of the cream of ice.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet: cheerios, flakes of corn, and el capitan.
19. What's your favorite beverage: agua. or the doccy.
20. What's your favorite restaurant: chuys for texmex, umm i dont know. stumper.
21. Do you cook: i love to cook. i do. i do.
22. How often do you brush your teeth: when i wake up and when i go to sleep, and sometimes between.
23. Hair drying method: blow dryers are so 2004. 2005 is all about me not doing anything because im too lazy.
24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair?: gaaayyyyy
25. Do you swear: hahaha, yes.
26. Do you ever spit: if i have a reason to.
27. Animal: dog. or PENGUIN. but if its animals i could actually own, itd be a dog.
28. Food: im italian/german/welsh..we eat anything. and like it. plus the jewishness, which provides for good stuff too.
29. Month: november/december
30. Day: my birthday
31. Cartoon: family guy
32. shoe brand: who knows. whatever i fancy. vans are cool though.
33. Subject in school: fuck school
34. Color: this blue color, that i dont know what to call it, but its majestic.
35. Sport: football/soccer
36. TV show: there are too many. maybe nip/tuck or the oc. i still like friends and sex and the city though.
41. In the CD player: modest mouse
42. Person you talk most on the phone: jason
43. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: yeah, of course. and its hot.
44. What color is your bedroom: a pastel yellow, since
45. Window seat or aisle: window seats. i like to feel involved.
47. What's your sleeping position: on my back or directly on my face.
48. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? sometimes. if i can make the ac freeze out the house.
49. Do you snore: negative
50. Do you sleepwalk: nope
51. Do you talk in your sleep: nah, dont think so.
53. What about with the light on: not if i have anything to do with it
54. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: always. i am so used to having something going while i fall asleep.
55. Outfit: jeans and black hoodie over a tank top
56. Worry: i don't like to worry about shit, but if i do.. it's probably about when's the next time i get to see my friends. or things that are completely out of my control.
57. Desktop: hahahaha my ben folds album cover creation CENTERED with pale green backing
58. Song: tyler - the toadies
59. To do list: buy my effin track jacket, deliver photos to magazine publisher dude tomorrow, go to the art museum, write shit so mah ass can get PAAAAID, register officially for poetry class in the spring
60. Need and/or Want: oh dont you get me started now. i always will need. i will always want.
number 60 though, makes me want to list out my xmas/birthday list 05! that will probably happen later tonight when i still wont sleep. for now though, i am going to go read some more of the mag.'s nephew. i wish i was in narnia.