I'm looking at a website that shows replicated TARDISes made all over the world and a lot of them look really cool! I found my self wondering "hmmm, I wonder if they're bigger on the inside than they are on the outside."
[insert Headesk of Dumb right here]
I got all caught up with this season this past weekend (with
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I kind of love Rose/Doctor, because they were sort of adorable and he loved her. I didn't always love Rose, but "Doomsday" killed my soul and I just don't know how they could have improved that episode. And yeah, Martha's a little lovestruck, but I really like her anyway. I think it's the nature of DW to have tons of UST, just because the Doctor's so unattainable. I'm okay with it. And uh, I am would be in love with the Doctor (BECAUSE HI, DAVID TENNANT), so I really don't blame Martha.
When he was a human, it was so sad!!! It was really weird and scary to have the Doctor actually not know who he was, which I think is what made the arc so good. I feel as though the unsuccessful episodes of S3 have followed a formula that always involves the Doctor saving Martha and then Martha doing something selfless and brave and ingenious to save the day. You know exactly what's going to happen. And I think Human Nature/Family of Blood were so good because they did not follow that formula. Also, they were SCARY. AHHH.
So, yes. To reiterate: watch "The Runaway Bride"!!!!
I like Martha because she's smart and clever. I don't like Teh Lovestruck, but I can live with it. I've been watching more Old Who lately and there is like, no lust so when I watch New Who I go "Dude! Wha?"
David Tennant is on my list of Men I Find Undeniably Attractive And Would Shag If Given The Chance. I adore him.
EXACTLY my thoughts on Human Nature/Family of Blood! That montage, when the Doctor/John Smith is thinking about what his life could be like and just SOBBING into the arms of Girlfriend, I just lost it. I mean...so SAD. I had an icon now of him holding the baby and it makes me heart hurt every time I see it. Poor Doctor...I wanted him to be happy, but I also REALLY wanted the Doctor back. It was a hard episode to watch, but SO GOOD.
Those scarecrows were SO scary!! And...ugh. What a creepy episode. It was so great!
And I shall watch Runaway Bride. :)
I've seen a little Old Skool Who, but not a ton. Only a little One.
Have you gotten around to seeing Torchwood yet? It's fun. And also, I adored the pilot for the Sarah Jane Adventures. It worked in every way that Torchwood didn't. But I have no idea when new episodes will be aired... Have you heard anything?
I absolutely LOVE the Sarah Jane Adventures. My friend is head over heels in love with Sarah Jane and after watching lots and lots of Old School Who with Sarah Jane, I love her, too. The pilot was fantastic. The only thing I didn't like was the character Kelsey, but she will not be returning for the series. I want to say that the show will start airing in August, but I don't remember...I will find out and let you know.
Uhm, I'm kind of in love with Sarah Jane, even though I haven't seen any Old Skool. She was just so lonely and wonderful in the pilot. And you know that beautiful floaty alien in the beginning? That was from TW. Anyway, Kelsey was a little annoying, but she was okay. And she's not in the series? I must go read the wiki.
Ah! I remember. I think, in order to be a good Doctor Who fan, I should see Torchwood.
Nope. They cut her out, from what I have heard and have replaced her with a little boy.
A...nother little boy?
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