Well THAT burst my bubble- and now I'm all wet.

Aug 08, 2007 23:48


So, I thought I was going to go get my license tomorrow. Got all the paper work ready. Cleaned out the van. Got everything signed and ready to go and was for the first time, genuinely excited about driving, you know, like a normal teenager? I look at my permit and remember that I have to have it for a MINIMUM of 3 months. It was issued to me on June 1st 2007. It's August 8th. I've tried fudging with the numbers. It's still only two months and 8 days. WHAT THE FUCK?

You know, this is so typical. Whenever I get really excited about something, I always, always ALWAYS wind up screwed over and disappointed. And yes. I realize this is my fault for not thinking about this time frame, but I have all my hours and god damn it, I was really getting excited about this and feeling prepared and ready to take this step and now I can't.

By any stretch of the imagination, could June 1st to August 1st be three months? Seriously. 1) June. 2) July. 3) August. Seems like three to me.

God damn.

*hits head against wall*  angst angst angst.

angry, driving

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