Dec 26, 2004 13:53
Well this was a quick Christmas, I was just starting to feel it and then poof, gone. Christmas Eve I went to my Dad's at 3 and then at 5 we went to my Grandparent's house. Sweet lord, THAT was hell and a half. Grandpa was wasted, and Grandma wasn't there to make her awesome food and shut Grandpa up. My Aunt Joyce and Uncle Van were there, I <3 them, they're great. But of course, with them comes Jason. He told me I should spend the night with Grandpa and "be grandma for the night, ya know, like SLEEP WITH HIM." God, I'm sorry but my Aunt needs to learn how to control and discipline him, who cares if he's a 30 years old and mentally handicapped. NO ONE should say shit like that and get away with it. Anyways, Josh finally showed up there around 7:30 and he was wasted, making me jealous. THEN! Josh and I got LAPTOPS! OH MY GOD! Can you believe that shit?! I instantly thought, "I'm to poor for this..." Yeah, I got my Uncle Van's old one and Josh got my Grandpa's old one. And we get to bring them home next time we go to Dad's house. I wanna get one of those things that you can put in it to make it wireless, my mom said her company can pay for it cause she already claimed being able to use it whenever she wants. Which I don't really mind, it would just be SO AWESOME to be on my back porch AND on the computer AT THE SAME TIME.
Annnyyywaaays, woke up christmas morning at like 10, my first thoughts were YAY! I go home in 2 hours. Opened presents with Dad and Josh. I got the new Sum 41 CD which really sucks because I asked for 3 CD's and that's the one I really didn't want but just asked for cause I couldn't think of anything else, so that was a waste of my Dad's money. Got a vanilla perfume, lotion, bubble bath set thingie, smells yummy. Uhh.. some books I'm never going to read, some clothes I'm never going to wear, ya know, the usual. A $50 gift certificate to Bealls which got me 2 shirts and a pair of pants..WOW! I hate how everything is so expensive... Oh yeah, Josh and I got a Family Guy DVD which rocks. I think I'm gunna buy a DVD player for home with christmas money, cause I'm sick of not having one and having tons of DVDs.
Mom picked me up at noon and we went to Walgreens to get some last minute things. I couldn't find any body pillows for Jon =[ I'll just get one today as a late present. Mom and I went home and I got a $80 to spend on clothes, a pack of reds, a disposable camera and some body wash stuff. I wasn't expecting anything so it was cool to come home to a little somethin' somethin' ya know? I love my mom, even if we have nothing she always figures something out. I was gunna spend the $80 I got (plus $25 of other xmas money, plus theres probably more on the way for my birthday) at Bealls, but fuck that, its to expensive there. I'll probably go to Walmart and Goodwillin' because I need a lot of clothes.
Mom and I went to Arcadia to have dinner at her Mom's house. Pretty uneventful, my mom got pretty earrings, yummy food, made sure to get out of there before my Aunt Virginia showed up. Went home, waited like 2 HOURS for Jon to come over cause he wasn't checking his computer and my home phone line was dead and I was stupid and dialed the wrong number on my moms cell phone. Oh my god. He got me the COOLEST bowl EVER. I can't wait to go home and use it and look at it and show it off and OH GOD it's just so pretty. It's really thick to so it won't break easily, plus he got me a case thingie for it that's uber padded. It hits really nice and the bowl is of decent size. It's just perfect <3 Jon and I went to Jean's house at 6 for The Bitches gift exchange. I could only stay a half hour so it was REALLY hectic and Jon got to meet Deb. LMFAO. It was great, simply priceless. Took a shitload of pictures, cause Jean got a digital camera, WOO! Had to leave, unfortunatly and Jon took me back to my Dad's house.
Today we're supposed to celebrate my birthday here at Daddy's. Hopefully I'll get at least one of the CD's I actually want and some more money would be nice. I go home around 6-7ish. Jean and I need to clean the house this week, maybe I'll have her over tonight and we can clean tomorrow. We're getting $10 an hour (whenever my mom can pay us). I'd rather go shopping tomorrow but the cleaning NEEDS to get done. Any of you that have been to my house as of late knows that. Gotta get it done before my birthday. I'm having a party but I really don't think it will be to many people. It kinda sucks that when I thought of people that I would've normally invited I didn't want them to be there cause I'm just not friends with a lot of people I used to be friends with.
Well that was a long entry. Now I mainly just write in this so I can look back and remember shit that happened and when it happened.
Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Your Cool, I'm out, peace!