Aug 07, 2007 23:04
I dont even know what to do.
Its like Im waiting for something better.
But it wont get better unless I make it.
Nothing is going to fucking happen.
Im just so bored.
And Im tired all the time.
But Im always doing something,
And I cant ever sleep.
Just so you know,
I've never stopped.
And I never lied.
Ill never stop doing what I do.
I have to.
It makes me feel like Im real.
Like Im alive.
And I know I sound depressed,
But Im just irritated,
And I dont want to bother anyone
To tell them all this bull shit.
I dont even want you anymore,
I just want to be that fucking happy again.
I just dont know how to make myself happy anymore.
I dont know what the fuck to do with my fucking life.
I cant explain it.
Its like Im under water.
Or trying to run in the sand,
It just doesnt happen.
Its just slower,
Like in a dream,
And you cant run.
"I wish I could get back there, someplace,
Back there."