Under the impression that the batteries would be included.

Nov 24, 2010 08:14

Know what, man? Feels bad. Feels bad, man.

Ugh, everything.

Blood test today. I wonder if it's going to come back saying I'm anemic. I mean, obv. I don't want to be anemic on top of having a malfunctioning thyroid because come on, but god, I hope I am. If it isn't anemia then I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me and nobody else will know either, and people will think I'm faking and that is seriously what I am afraid of most in the whole world.

I mean, aside from that I'm just sick of feeling fucking ill! But whatever. I'm going to chill out now because there's nothing I can do about it. So.

But on the plus side, it might snow!! :D PLEASE LET IT SNOW, SERIOUSLY.

Also, my Yuletide assignment omg<3 totally and 100% what I wanted to write :3 Whoever this person is, they're awwwwwwright by me.
Also also, speaking of that sort of thing, I need to write fic for Gridlock'd. I'm starting to actually love it. Tupac can actually act, Thandie Newton is adorable and not annoying, and Tim Roth. You know the three of them must have had a really interesting relationship together, like modern-day hippies! Free love, music, art and drugs. Why is there not fic of this? Why has nobody seen it? It's a charming movie.
You know what, too? I always thought the whole thing where a group of you goes into a toilet cubicle together was just an English thing. And at that, just a northern English thing. It's quite nice to know that other people do it.

tim roth, sick, film, gridlock'd

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