Apr 14, 2004 16:32

Name: Sara
Birthday: September 26
Birthplace: Spring Valley, IL
Current mood: content
Current music: Hoobastank - The Reason
Current hair: hair down and straightened
Current clothes: jeans, flip flops, brown and orange T that says Cleveland Browns on it and orange hoops
Current annoyance: two faced people
Current thing I ought to be doing: Homework
Current windows open: word, internet, aim, and paint
Current desktop picture: Marilyn Monroe
Current favorite band: none impeticular
Current book: An art book, with paintings and sketches from various artists
Current cd in stereo: Mix
Current crush: Clay Mudge
Current favorite celebrity: Marilyn Monroe
Current hate: No one
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: No
Have sex?: No
Give oral sex?: No
Receive oral sex?: No
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes
Remember your first love?: I’ve never been in love
Read the newspaper?: Occasionally
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes
Believe in miracles?: Yes, most definitely
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yes
Consider love a mistake?: No
Like the taste of alcohol?: Depends
Have a favorite candy?: Sweet Tarts
Believe in astrology?: Depends
Believe in magic?: Yes
Believe in god?: Yes
Have any pets: Yes, a calico cat named Callie
Go to or plan to go to college: Yes
Have any piercings?: Yes my ears and my belly button
Have any tattoos?: No
Hate yourself: No
Have an obsession?: Not that I’m aware of
Have a secret crush?: Yes
Have a best friend?: Yes
Wish on stars?: Every night
Care about looks?: To some extent
First crush: I’m not to sure
First kiss: I never kiss and tell
Single or attached?: Attached
Ever been in love?: No
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Do you believe in "the one?": Yes
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: No
Favorite place to be kissed?: No comment
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": No
Are you a tease?: No
Shy to make the first move?: Yes

Word Association
Rock: 'n' Roll
Green: Grass
Wet: Tears
Cry: Baby
Peanut: Butter
Hay: Stack
Cold: Snow
Steamy: River
fuck: An A
Blow: Bubbles
Religion: Catholic
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: five seven or so

Bought: A hot pink shirt from the buckle
Ate & Drank: Chicken Caesar Salad, and a bottle of apple juice
Read: Seventeen magazine
Watched on tv: Inferno

club or house party: house party
beer or cider: Cidar
drinks or shots: Neither
cats or dogs: Dogs
single or taken: Taken
pen or pencil: Pen
gloves or mittens: Mittens
food or candy: Candy
cassette or cd: C.D.
coke or Pepsi: Coke
this or that: That
look like: My sister, people have been telling me that lately
be like: Me
avoid: Unnecessary positions

talked to: My sister
hugged: My sister
instant messaged: Spencer
kissed: ….

eat: Kitchen
cry: At my computer
wish you were: In Arizona

Dated one of your best friends? No
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Yes
Drank alcohol? No
Done drugs? No
Broken the law? No
Run away from home? No
Broken a bone? No
Played Truth Or Dare? Yes
Kissed someone you didn't know? No
Been in a fight? Yes
Come close to dying? Nothing major

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: Chipmunks Country Songs
Your bedroom like?: It’s a work in progress, going for the white and black pictures with red accents
Your favorite thing for breakfast? A bagel
Your favorite restaurant? Wendys

What's on your bedside table?: Alarm clock, and an empty picture frame
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Apple juice
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Hardball
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: Not sure
What is your biggest fear?: Dying
what are you most insecure about?: Not being liked
Do you ever have to beg?: Yes
Are you a pyromaniac?: No
Do you have too many love interests?: No
Crushes? No
Do you know anyone famous?: Um No I don’t think so
Describe your bed: All White
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker?: Yes
What do you carry with you at all times?: The ring my dad gave me
How do you drive?: Fairly Well
What do you miss most about being little?: Boys didn’t matter
Are you happy with your given name?: Yes, I could have gone for something more unique though
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: None
What color is your bedroom?: The paint of my room is creamish, but my color scheme is black white and red
What was the last song you were listening to?: Cab For Cutie - Photo booth
Have you ever been in a play?: No
Who are your best friends?: They are aware of it.
Do you talk a lot?: Yes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: Yes
Do you think you're cute?: I’m not a big judger of myself
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Not at all, I feel absolutely terrible for the life that they go through
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Yes
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: Friends.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands? Love is a beautiful thing.
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