One of my favorite photos

Dec 16, 2007 18:37

One of my favorite photos
Originally uploaded by melissa513. Some of Lana's funny and lovable quirks:

-When she sings, she is completely and utterly tone deaf. This does not stop her from really belting a song out.

-More specifically, she BELTS out only the parts she knows that she knows WELL...otherwise it's just quiet singing. Then she gets REALLY loud and it catches me off guard. Every time.

-She almost always accidentally gives away what she's gotten me for Christmas. So consistently that it's really humorous to just sit back and wait for it, then watch her fumble to cover it up. I kind of keep it to myself because she feels so awful about it. She's just kind of clumsy about it. God love her, twice this week, she left boxes out with company names on them. And just now? I was cleaning up and forced myself to look away from THREE receipts she left on the bed. In plain view. I went back in a few minutes later and saw that she caught herself and moved them. On the bright side, I'm getting a couple of very cool gifts.

-When Lan decides she likes a movie, *especially* if it has a lesbian element, she obsesses about it till it drives me crazy. We saw (insert eyeroll)D.E.B.S. a few weeks ago and she watched it 4 times in two days. Then another 5 before we returned it. Seriously. But that's not all - after that she watched interviews online and looked for every movie Jordana Brewster has ever been in. What a nut. She's on to Fingersmith now, and I'm happy for the change, it was actually really good.

-We were gone all weekend and the first thing she did when we walked in the apartment was to turn on all of the Christmas lights. She is totally taken with the holidays and I love it. Before Lan? The activities, the parties, the decorating...I could take it or leave it. But she gets carried away and it's sort of contagious and by the time we're in the middle of it, I'm in awe. I just love it.

-She's just so sweet to me. Like when we're out doing stuff, she'll run every extra little errand that seems important to me, even when she doesn't want to. She often keeps a book in the car, just in case she doesn't want to go in.

-And she wears boy underpants. And they're hot.

Yep...that's my girl.
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