A post, but not really!

Jun 20, 2005 11:33

I'm officially back from Holden Beach! I got back Saturday actually around 8 PM, but haven't had the chance to actually post until now. And even now I'm not going into details. I'm hoping that tomorrow morning I'll have my full strength back and will be able to post. For some reason I feel like I have jet lag. Why is it that I'm going to the beach for a week and I feel as if I've been gone for a whole entire month? Anyway, everything at the moment is going great, I suppose. I feel like I'm completely wasting my time staying at home doing nothing. I've checked the paper every Sunday for possible job opportunities close to my area, but there's not much available at all. At least next summer I know I'll be doing something productive, even if it doesn't pay.

So here's what I hope to include in tomorrow's post (the rather lenghty one!):

1. UNCG S.O.A.R.
2. Holden Beach trip
3. My wacky relatives
4. My driving habits
5. Course schedule
6. Summer school
7. Katie and Tom!!!
8. Phantom of the Opera

I think that's all for the next post unless I think of something else randomly, or if something happens to me later on today that is interesting, but I wouldn't bet on that! Have a great rest of the day!
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