Things have been a bit crazy as of late. As I mentioned previously I've been taken
onto the AOL team as a full-fledged employee and have been busting my ass to make them feel
comfortable in their decision. This past week I was in charge of locating and hiring photographers
all over the US to shoot assignments for us. As stressful as things were, I believe that it all
actually worked out and I'm pretty pleased
Next week my new computer will arrive. My laptop hasn't been cutting it as of late and since I finally
have some money and get a sweet little discount, I decided to treat myself as my "graduation" present.
I am the new proud owner of a pumped up 20" imac desktop. I'm excited.
About a week ago I made a very serious decision that I really never knew if I'd follow through with.
I had been toying with the idea of selling off all of my digital gear for a while but never seemed
to be able to commit to it. Well turns out I finally got the balls to and I'm in the process of
finalizing sales of both my $1000+ lenses. All that I have left is the body and an 85mm f/1.8. In it's
place I am reverting back to the ancient days and picking up a nice Hasselblad setup. I'm going back and
forth between the 503cx and the 501cm but I know either way, I'll be stoked on my choice.
I am beginning a new project when I get this whole camera situation sorted out. I am super excited to begin
this one especially since I am in a new location; it's really going to give me a chance to get to know
the people around me.