Happy Meal Toys

Jun 24, 2011 20:11

I finally got them! I've been meaning to get a Happy Meal from McDonald's for the sake of collecting the Pokemon toys. ;A; Gotta catch 'em all! Though I had to admit, it was rather... interesting (more like freaking awkward) when I ordered the meal.

Me: Two Happy Meals to go please. /le poker face (Logic at the time: one meal isn't enough to fill me up, so might as well get two)
Cashier: ... ... ... Okay two Happy Meals to go. For boys or girls?
Me: ???... !!!!  (Oh yeah, I'm a bit too old for these kids meals) Err... girls... (???)

I then pay for the meals and wait. Once I got my order, I had gotten two dolly toys.

Me: Um...?
Cashier: ?
Me: Is it alright if I switch these? "They" like Pokemon.
Cashier: ... I'll check if we have more Ma'am.

sadfasgkjaslfd I got called Ma'am. I don't look that old do I? -le sobbu- The lady thinks I have kids. -eyebags are so bad- Cashier comes back with two Pokemon toys and takes back those dollies.

Cashier: Here you go. But I have never seen Pokemon like these before... I hope your girls are sure about what they want...
Me: ... It's fine... thanks...

I left as quick as I could. LOL It was so awkward omg. I went home with my food and my dad just teased me and called me a big baby. D:<

WHATEVER. I gots my Pokemon, so HAH. 8I

pokemon, random, life

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