Nov 29, 2004 06:58
Well this month is just flying by. It didn't start out very good, with many things going wrong. Lets see I had the stomach flu. Still have this stupid kidney stone. Last week my grandpa died. My advise is to tell the people you love that you love them. Don't wait, it may be too late.
We sang at ST.Johns last weds and thanks to some of my really favorite choir people we did very, very well. So special thanks to Chazz, Aaron, Kevin, Roger, Lorenzo, Stephanie, and Leeannda. You guys rock and also Chris Stevens, what a cool guy, I love ya Chris. Anyway it was really good. This week we have choir singing at Genysis, christmas play for the kids, unashamed is singing and I only work about fifty hours this week. ahhh life is busy.
Just really wish Christmas break were here so I could relax and do nothing for a change. Had an interesting sermon at my church. Did you know we are religious because we have a God gene. Ha, that's crazy if you ask me. Anyway just had to vent that one issue.
Have a great one everyone.