Back on third rock.

May 07, 2009 20:57

I'm probably supposed to be kissing the ground or something, but I'm kind of undergoing what might be vertigo or a severe case of jet-lag or maybe morning sickness--pretty sure it's morning sickness, since, well, hey, it's kind of abundantly clear that waking up every morning and remembering that you're a homicidally inclined pregnant woman is the most horrific thing your stomach can possibly experience without shriveling up like a prune and committing suicide. Thanks for showing up late to the party, bile.

Prior to reacquainting myself with the toilet, I held a charity event at Metropolis City Hall yesterday morning to graciously pay for a set of newly acquired city damages, which Potts unsurprisingly found time to document. Thanks, Potts. Cute.

Lastly but not leastly, I took the lovely Ms. Bertinelli out for champagne and a short lesson on Astronomy before taking the jet back to California. Which reminds me: Hogan, Ted Nugent called. He wants his shirt back.

Is that it? Yeah, that's it. Good god-- come on, Pepper, get on the ball. Don't let me do your job.

damage control, go on, fuck, saving the world is my problem, the death star, oh ha, deeds of the day

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