i could have been one of the most devastating

Oct 27, 2008 16:23

My moleskin is, like, 5 pages full of straight-up HP fanfic planning. WHAT? This may be my 'secondary NaNo' this year. The world needs more 50k fanfics out there, yo.

PACKING. I'm probably only 30% done. And we are leaving on Wednesday. This is sad, people. Sad and SCARY. Hopefully I can do this. I swear, James and I split up tasks so we could get done faster and he's almost done with all of his and I'm sitting here like "..."

I told him, though - I'm the least domesticated ALIVE. If you're looking for an old-fashioned wife then look somewhere else, but if you're looking for a lazy butt who happens to have a shiny ring on her hand then yeah, that might be closer to my description. I'm a redneck at heart, what can I say.

Have I linked this site - UN-Photographable - yet?. It's awesome. All those little moments people wanted to capture with a camera that couldn't. My favorite? Someone forgot to take a picture of a nun littering. Haha. Oh, world.

EDIT: HAHA I've already recommended this. Whatever, it stands repeating. Cool site.
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