The great migration/selling out

Aug 04, 2008 12:26

I am all moved into my new place. I am not all unpacked. That is going to take awhile because I am anal. I am trying to find the best bike route to work from my house. Tomorrow I am going to try Interstate to Multnomah. It's kind of a round about way to get there, but the safest.

I am selling out, kids. That's right; it's time to grow up. No more living in houses with lots of other kids. No more super late nights. No more talking shit about school. The dream is dead. I need to move onward and upward. Let me be clear; I am NOT going to renounce vegetarianism, buy an SUV, start shopping at WalMart and vote Republican. Come on! You all know me better than that. I am just bored and feel like I spent the last 4 years spinning my wheels. I am ready for other things. I want my master's degree, a house, to get married, have kids (eventually), and have little extra cash. I want to go on biking and backpacking trips. I want to travel (and in a real way, not in a touristy way). I think selling out is a harsh term, and I am being facetious by using it, but I am trying to get my point across. This is just where I am at in my life. Not everyone is in the same place and I am totally cool with that and supportive of what my friends are up to. No worries.

adulthood, moving

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