Sep 28, 2005 21:48
hey guys... a lot has happened since i last updated this thing... I graduated high school, went back to va beach, worked at six flags... went to HCC and dropped out after a week and a half... lol
I didnt like it.. it was awful i felt like i was still in high school... Everyone i saw was from mass and i knew them from elementary school, middle school, and high school... so much for meeting new people from all different parts of the counrty... yeah so thats some of the reasons why i dropped out among many others. I got 2 part time jobs, one at dunkin donuts and another at mill street market... i hated dunkin do i only worked there for 15 minutes and walked out it was the gayest job ever... the whole little uniform and shit... it was so gay... I signed up for the redcross to help out in the disaster releif thing.. its pretty cool i get to go down to louisiana for 3 weeks... and when i told my boss at mill street she told me she was going to replace me... so i am jobless now but i am leaving to go to Baton Rouge in a few hours... and hopefully ill find what im looking for... OH yes... in the middle of six flags and dropping out of HCC i picked up a hottie... rob m... weve been seeing eachother since some wild crazy drunkin party and im liking him a lot... and all of you guys that are worried abut my education.. don't worry im going to castleton in january... yeah TCC(vabeach) didnt work out for numerous of reasons... my mom screwed me over, i had too many bills to pay, not enough money, couldnt find a place to live, couldnt find a job while i stayed down there... and many other reasons... oh the second time that i went down to va beach i met a guy, rob edmens... we had an awesome time... i remember every second i spent with him.. it just sucked that i met him on the last night... something weird happened though... when i came home rob and i talked on the phone all the time and everything was cool but then he went out to the feild in july and he hasnt talked to me ever since... I talked to blake and he said that rob and keuhen dont want to have anything to do with me... it sucks because neither one of them will call me or anyhting and i wanna know why rob e doesnt like me... i love keuhen.. he used to call me late at night just to wake me up he'd be like HEy wendy how are you just wanted to wake you up i knew youd be sleeping... byye... it was really cute but now nada....
anyhow i have a new rob and hes a pretty good guy... hes very predictable and i like predictability in a guy...
well four hours of rest and then ill be on my way give me a call to catch up on stuff