does it matter?

Jan 31, 2006 00:17


It's already almost february...
the last year was a blurr to me.
it seems like just last week we watched fireworks. or
drank beers in allports backyard.
i miss it all so much.
things seem to be changing.
and the future to me seems uncerain.
i feel really uneasy about it.
all i know is im in a sweet band that has shows!!!
and you should goto themm...
check out the new after the wreckage myspace!!!!
we'll have a song wednesday...
it's ice cold!
chalie and the chocolate factory is on at allport's right now!
and im the on;y one here who hasn't seen it.
man do i feel like a loser.
i feel really lonely too.
i think im gonna go...

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